Friday, August 3, 2007

proposal penelitian

3.Table of content..............................................................................................
Chapter I...........................................................................................................
1.1. Background................................................................................................
1.2. Statement of Problem..................................................................................
1.3. The sciope of Study.....................................................................................
1.4. Purpose of Study.........................................................................................
1.5. Significance of Study...................................................................................
1.6. Definitiona of Key Terms.............................................................................
Chapter II..........................................................................................................
Review of Related Literature...............................................................................
2.1. A short Biography Of author ......................................................................
2.2. Novel.........................................................................................................
2.3. Intrinsic Elements of Literary Work............................................................
2.4. Theme........................................................................................................
2.5. Plot............................................................................................................
2.6. Character...................................................................................................
2.7. Setting........................................................................................................
2.8. Point of Views............................................................................................
2.9. Styles.........................................................................................................
Chapter III.........................................................................................................
Research Methodologi .......................................................................................
3.1.method of Research......................................................................................
Method of Data Collection.................................................................................
Method of Analysis............................................................................................


1.1. Background
Literature is a medium through which a person can convey his or her ideas or protest against different norms of society. Those works that deal with a normal issue are particular purpose in mind. An author can communicate with the readers of a literary work if they can understand what the author wants to send. The author expresses his or her feeling thought, ideas, or arguments about the social issues by writing those issues in a form of literary work.
Literary work has two main elements, which can be analyzed. They are intrinsic elements or objective approach and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic element (objective element) are elements of literary work that build up the structure of literary work it self. Plot, character, setting, theme, point of view, style and atmosphere are the examples of the intrinsic elements. Sukada (1987: 47) stated that intrinsic elements are the whole elements which build up a literary work.
On the other hand, extrinsic elements are elements which come out of literary work such as history, social culture, religion, psychology, and philosophy.
We as the reader cannot understand the detail of certain literary work without knowing the two elements. Both of the two elements literary work is very important to analyze in order to appreciate the literary work.

1.2. Statement of Problem
In this paper, the writer sets some research questions as follow.
How does plot of this novel
Does the setting effect of the plot?
How does the author develop the character
What is the theme of the novel
What kind of point view does the author choose?

The above questions are going to be answered through descriptive and narrative analysis of the novel.

1.3.The Scope of Study
In order to avoid misinterpreting and misunderstanding for the discussion because of the broadness of the problem, the writer limits the scope of this investigation only on discussing the intrinsic elements of the novel “ The Davinci code” written by Dan Brown which include plot, setting, character, theme, point of view, and atmosphere.

1.4. Purpose of Study
Based on statement state before, in this analysis, the purpose of this analysis are :
To analyze the intrinsic elements or objective approach of the novel “the davinci code”
To explore the idea, massage of the author of the novel to be related to the values that are applicable useful in our daily life.

1.5.Significance of Study
The writer categories the significance of this analysis into two categories based on Aminudin category (1987 : 60) mainly:
General significance
it is expected that the results of the analysis will provide insights to the readers about the practical ways of analyzing and enjoying a certain literary work.
2. Specific significance
the result of the analysis are expected to indicate clearly the ways the elements of a literary work are developed.

1.5. Definition Of Key Terms
in order to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the meaning of the term used in the analysis , the writer considered worthwhile to elaborate and define the term which are relevant to this analysis.
1. Intrinsic
the element of the literary work that build up the structure of literary work it self such as plot, setting, character etc.
2. Analysis
Analysis is method of proof in which a known through is sough as a consequence of reasoning from the thing to be proved (glarier international dictionary volume one).
According to Longdan dictionary of contemporary English, analysis is an examination of something together with though and judgment about it. In this research analysis means to analyze the plot and setting of novel “master of the game” written of the Sydney Sheldon. By presenting several data needed.
3. Novel
Novel is used in its broad sense to designate any extend fictional prose narrative. In practice, however its uses are customarily restricted to narratives in which the representation of character occurs either in a static condition or in the process of the development as the result of event or action. (Holman & Harmon, 1986: 335)
Novel also means long story. Long in this case means, it has complex plot, many character, complex themes, various atmosphere and various setting. (Sumarjo & saini 1991:29)

2.1. A Short Biography of Author
Dan Brown is the authors of many famous books. Digital fortress, Angles, Demons and the deception point, live in New England
Literature is often said to be a school of life in that authors tend to comment on the conduct of society and individuals in society. They either point out what they see as important issues in human affairs or propose ideal alternative to the way thing actually are the custom and more of particular social group or individuals their aspirations and values explored and exposed (Taylor, 1981:12)
Novel is a prose narrative fiction. Taylor, (1981 : 46) stated that a prose works of quite some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct.
A novel is almost the same as a short story; they both are included in prose narrative fictions that have similarity in the intrinsic element such as plot, character, theme, setting etc.

2.2. Intrinsic Element of Literary Work
There are some opinions about the term ‘theme’. Books and warren said that theme is the basic meaning of story (Brooks and Warren, 1959:927) in a good literary work; theme is hidden in all elements. Authors use dialogue of character, their ways of thinking, feeling, feeling, events, and setting to clarify the theme.

2.3. Theme
Theme is idea of a story. At the time author writes a story, he does not only want to tell a story, but also want to say something to his readers. It can be a social life problem, his way of life, or his comment toward this life etc.

2.4. Plot
Plot is a series of events that is tied based on relation of its creation in chronological events and they are related to another based on the cause – effect from the beginning of the story until the end. The events in the story are not independent, but they are related one another. So, one event in the story are not independent, but they are related one another. So, one event will influence the others.
According to Milan (1987:419), there are six steps of plot, they are:
Situation Or Exposition
Rising Action
Falling Action

2.5. Character
Character is a person in a story or a play (Duffy and Pettit, 1953:24). Character development involves both physical description and classification of the mental and spiritual qualities of the person.
The general character in a story, whether he is sympatric or an unsymphatic person, is related to the protagonist, they forced arrayed against him, whether person or things, they are the antagonist (Perrine, 1978:43)

2.6. Setting
According to Hudson (1960:158), setting is a whole environment of the story, including the customs and tradition, habits, and the character’s way of life.
We can conclude that setting is dealing with situation where and when events happen toward character. If the setting of the story can be changed by any place without changing or influencing the character and theme, the theme is not integral.

2.7 Point Of Views
Point of view is a term which refers to the relationship between story teller, the story and the reader (Stone, et al., 1983:11)
Point of view is a term in the analysis and criticism of fiction
2.9. Atmosphere
Atmosphere refers to mood of story that is reflected by setting or the implication of its meaning in order to build the mood of the story. To construct the mood of the story such as plot, a good characterization right setting, etc. all elements that must integrate in atmosphere can be built through protagonist. And it is closely related to them. It can not exactly build the theme of story (Taringan, 1984:153)
3.1. Method of On Research
Literary in this case research is an effort of searching knowledge a defining it continuously, carefully toward literary cases. It means that literary research is a science that has obvious object, method and approach. Literary research as a scientific activity must be supported by appropriate and method.
Before going discus the method this research it is better to define the meaning of method this research it is better to define the meaning of method it self.
Method is mean or meaner of procedure especially a regular and systematic way of completing anything (Godlier International Dictionary, Volume two: 826) additionally according to Longman dictionary, of contemporary English method is way of doing something (Quirk, 1987; 681). Moreover fund Hassan and Koentjaraningrat (1977:16) deepened the method is a way of word in understanding and object the will be the objective of the science involved with. They also explained that a method is chosen by consideration it is suitability with the object studies, from those difinition, we can conclude that method is a way of work before understanding an object of research.
It should be notified the object of this research is a kind of the expression of idea, thinking and feeling and beside of the purpose of this definition, we can conclude that method is way of work for understanding an object of a research.
It should be notified the object of this research is a kind writing as his expression of the idea, thinking and feeling beside of the purpose of this research, the writer try to explain the intrinsic elements of The Davinci Code writer by Dan Brown. Having knows the definition of and the scope of intrinsic elements, the writer concludes that appropriate method applied in analyzing data is qualitative.
The qualitative method has five characteristics, namely:
a. Natural setting is data resources and researcher a key instrument
b. The qualitative method descriptively, it mean that data explained in.
c. The form of word or picture not statistic.
d. The qualitative is considered as more important to process that result.
Data analysis tends to be inductively, it is made not to prove the hypoproposal before but to describe object.
Meaning is special think for that method.
To make this research more specific and more detail, it is important to view that object of research from certain knowledge of view that is called approach. This research will use structural approach is limited it self on research of the literary work it self is something a dependent, so the research is done internally.
3.2. Method of data collection.
The writing of this proposal is entirely done though library research. The data are collected from libraries in some places where the related books are available: to gain more detailed information to support the content of this proposal.
In order to collect the significant data or the writer decides to use library as a basic activity of this research writing. The writing collects the data, which are relevant to this from library.
The information may be taken several books such as Indonesia Literature.
3.3. Method of Data Analysis
As soon as the significant data are collected the writer come to analyze about the intrinsic elements of “The davinci code” by Dan Brown
The secondly, the writer read the novel to find some quotation to the object of study, educational values, and then the writer tries to interpret and explain. At last the writer put it in the proposal as the result of research.
The data is then presented in a descriptive method that is by describing the fact about the novel focusing on those questioned values.
The description is then followed by interpretation and analysis making use the concepts related to literature and education values.

Brown, Dan, 2003, The Davinci Code, Penerbit Doubleday, New York.
Subhan bustami,2005 Understanding English Poetry And Prose,penerbit LPPDMF, Yogyakarta
Subhan Bustami,2005 A Guide To Literary Criticism,Penerbit Debut Press, Yogyakarta
Aminuddin, drs,mpd,1987, Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra, Penerbit Sinar Baru Bandung
Atar semi, 1993. Metode penelitian sastra. Penerbit Angkasa Bandung
Duffy, Charles And Henry Petit, 1953. A Dictionary Of Literary Term. Usa brown Book Company
Jacob Sumardjodan K.Bsaini, 1991. Apresiasi Kesusastraan. Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Quirk.R. 1978, Longman dictionary of contemporary English-London : Longman.

1.1 Latar Belakang
Sastra adalah suatu media tempat orang dapat menyampaikan ide dan protes perlawanan pada norma masyarakat yang berbeda. Hal ini menjadi biasa pada tujuan tertentu. Seorang pengarang dapat berkomunikasi dengan pembaca dengan karya sastra jika mereka mengerti apa yang pengarang ingin sampaikan. Seorang pengarang mengepresikan perasaannya,pikirannya,idenya atau argumen tentang masalah social dengan menulis emua masalah itu dalam bentuk karya sastra.
Karya sastra mempuyai dua bagian, yang dapat di analisis yaitu intrinsic elements atau objective approach dan extrinsic elements. Dalam intrinsic elements suatua karya sastra mencoba memgembangkan structure dari karya sastra tersebut. Plot. Character, setting, theme, point of view, style dan atmosphere semua ini adalah contoh dari instrinsic elements semua ini dikembangkan dalam karya sastra.
Disamping itu, extrinsic element adalah bagian dari karya sastra yang memuncul luar dari karya sastra seperti sejarah, budaya masyarakat, agama, pisikologi, dan philosofi.
Kita sebagai pem,baca tidak dapat mengerti denga jelas dan lengkap pada karya sastra tertentu tanpa mengetahui dua elements tersebut, sehinga kedua element tersebut sangat perlu kita analisis dalam menghargai sebuah karya sastra.
1.2 Rumusan Masalah
Dalam proposal ini, penulis merumuskan masalah penelitian ini dengan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai berikut:
1. bagaiman plot yang terdapat dalam novel ini ?
2. apakah setting effect pada plot novel ini?
3. bagaimana pengarang mengembangkan masing-masing character?
4. apakah tema novel ini?
5. jenis point of view apa yang di pilih oleh pengarang pada novel ini ?
semua pertanyaan diatas akan dijawab melalui descriptif dan narrative analisis pada novel.
1.3. Batasan Masalah
Untuk menghindari kesalahan pengertian pada pembahasan ini karena terlalu luasnya masalah, maka peneliti membatasi masalah yang akan diteliti hanya pada instrinsic elements dari novel “ The davinci Code” written by Dan Brown yang tyermasuk Plot, setting, character, Theme, point of view, dan atmosphore.
1.4. Tujuan Penelitian
Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas, pada analisis ini, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah :
1. Menganalisis dari intrinsic elements atau objective approach pada novel “The davinci Code” written by Dan Brown.
2. mengembangkan ide, pesan pengarang dari novel ini yang berhubungan dengan nilai-nilai yang bermanpaat pada kehidupan kita sehari hari.
1.5. Manpaat Penelitian
Penulis memvagi manpaat penelitian ini kedalam dua bagian berdasarkan pada Aminudin category (1987:60)
1. manpaat umum (general significance)
ini diharapkan bahwa hasil dai penelitian ini akan menambah wawsan pada pembaca tentang cara praktis dalam menganalisis dan menikmati karya sastra tertentu.
2. manpaat khusus ( specific significance)
hasil dari analisis diharapkan dapat nmenunjukkan dengan jelas elements-elements dari sebuah karya sastra yang dikembangkan.
1.6. Definisi Operasional
Untuk mengghindari dari kesalahan pengertian dan penapsiran pada arti istilah yang digunakan pada analisis ini adalah :
1. intrinsic
adalah elements dari karya sastra yang membicarakan tentang struktur dari sebuah karya satra seperti plot,setting, karater dan lain-lain.
2. Analisis
Analisis adalah metode pembuktian yang diketahui melalui pengaruh alasan dari hal yang dibuktikan ( glorier international dictionary Volume one.)
Sesuai dengan Longman dictionary of contemprorary English, analisis is sebuah pengujuan pada sesuatu secara bersamaan dengan pikiran dan pertimbangan. Dalam penelitian analisis artinya maksud dari analisis tentang plot dan setting dari novel “The Davinci Code” written by Dan brown dengan mempersentasikan beberapa yang dibutuhkan.
3. novel
novel adalah dipakai pada pengertian luas untuk merancang sesuatu yang luas seperti fiksi, prose narrative. Dalam prakteknya, bagaimanapun masalah ini sangat biasa digunakan pada narrative yang menunjukkan karakter yang terjadi juga pada kondisi tetap atau dalam proses pengembangan dari hasil kejadian ( Holman & harmon, 1986 : 335)
novel juga berarti cerita panjang. Panjnag dalam hal berarti lengkap dari plotbanyak tokoh. Tema yang lengkap. Suasana yang beragam dan tempat yang berbeda ( Sumarjo & Saini 1991: 29)
2.1 biografi pengarang
Dan brown adalah seorang pengarang banyak buku, digital fortess. Angles Demons dan deception point, dia tinggal di New England.
2.1 Novel
sastra sering di sebut sekolah kehiduipan yang didalam pengarangnya cendrung untuk mengangkat kehidupan social masyarakat dan sifat individu dari masyarakat. Mereka juga mengangkat masalah penting pada manusia atau tujuan ideal yang sebenarnya pada kebiasaan dan lebih khusus pada kelompok social dan pribadi pada aspirasi mereka dan nilai yang dikembangkan.(Taylor 1981 :12)
Novel adalah prosa fiksi naratif Taylor, (1981 :46)menyatakan bahwa prose agak lebih puas dan lengkap yang mencoba mengeprisikan sesuatu dan kualitas atau nilai pengalaman manusia.
Sebuah novel hampir sama dengan cerita pendek, keduanya termasuk dalam prose naratif fiksi yang mempunyai kesamaan dalam intrinsisc elements seperti plot, tokoh tema, tempat dalam lain-lain.
2.2 intrsinsic element dari karya sastra
ada beberapa pendapat tentang istilah “tema” Books dan warren mengatakan bahwa tema adalah maksud mendasar dari senuiah cerita (brooks dan Warren, 1959 : 927 ) dalam karya sastra yang baik tema disembunyikan dalam semua elements. Pengarang mengunakn dialog tokoh cara mereka berpikir, perasaan, kejadian, dan tempat untuk menjelaskan tema.
2.3. Tema
tema adalah ide dari ceritapada waktu pengarang menulis cerita. Dia tidak hanya ingin m,enceritakan tentang cerita, tetapi juga ingin mengatakan sesuatu kepada pembaca, bisa tentang masalah kehidupan sosia, cara hidp, atau peryataan terhadap kehidupan dan lain-lain.
2.4. Plot
plot adalah kelanjutan dari kejadianyang terikat pada hubungan keajdian dri keajdian yang kronologis yang dihubungkan berdasarkan sebab akibat dari awal cerita sampai akhir. Kejadian yang dalam cerita tidak berdiri sendiri tap berhubungan satua dengan yang lainnya. Sehingga suatu kejadian mempengaruhi yang lainnya.
Menurut Milan (1987 : 419) ada enam jenjang pada plot antara lain :
1. situasi
2. rising action
3. konflik
4. crisis
5. falling action
6. denoument
2.5. Tokoh
tokoh adalah seseorang dalam cerita atau pemain (Duffy dan Pettit, 1953 :24) tokoh dikembangkan kedalam phsycal description dan classification dari mental dan kualitas spritual dari seseorang.
Tokoh umum dalam cerita apakah dia sympati atau tidak simpati pada seseorang itu berhubungan pada protagonis mereka berusaha melawan dirinya apakah seseorang atau benda, mereka itu adalah antagonis (Perrine, 1978 :43)
2.6. Tempat
menurut Hudson (1960 : 158) temapat adalah semua tempat dalam cerita, termasuk kebiasaan dan tradisi dan cara kehidupan.
Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa tempat adalah berhubungan denga situasi dimana dan kapan terjadinya pada tokoh. Jika pada tempat pada cerita dapat diganti dengan suatu tempat tanmpa menukar atau mempengaruhi tokoh dan tema, tema tidak integral.
2.7. Cara Pandang
cara pandang adalahistilah yang kembali pada hubungan antara cerita dan pencerita, cerita dan pembaca (stone, 1978:11)
cara pandang adalah istilah dalam kritik analisis fiksi untuk mengambarkan cara pembaca sibahasa dalam isis cerita.manpaat dari cara pandang adalah pengarang mempersentasikan keajadian dalam cerita ( Holman dan harmon 1986:386) sesuai dengan pernyataan diatas itu termauk pada cara pandang yang digunakan dengan oleh pengarang dalam cerita adalah orang ketiga tunggal sebab dai selalu menyatakan tokoh dengan menceritakan namanya

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